Hochiki fire alarm in Egypt


Hochiki fire alarm in Egypt

Hochiki fire alarm in Egypt

Over 90 years later, the Hochiki Group of Companies consists of 5 factories, 19 subsidiaries, and 36 branches throughout the world. Anchored by Hochiki Corporation, Hochiki America and Hochiki Europe. We are combining our efforts to offer the highest quality and most reliable fire products to meet today’s ever- changing global market. Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd. reserves the right to alter the specification of its products from time to time without notice. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained In. this document it is not warranted or represented by Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd. to be a complete and up-to-date description.





contact us

شركة سنتافي تكنولوجي – العنوان : 54 ش المنتزه – هليوبوليس – مصر الجديدة

تليفون : 26370092 فاكس:  26370093  المبيعات:    01070747733 المبيعات  :  01127772180 المبيعات : 01070747731

Email :   sales@sentafe.com

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