Apollo fire Alarm in Egypt


Apollo fire Alarm in Egypt

We are Apollo partners which is fundamental to your business, as we will be considered as a key in delivering your purpose and needs to your required project. We aim on keeping all of us safe from fire.

We will provide a high-level of protection for your prestigious project. The Commercial Office for Importing have years of experience with Apollo fire alarm range of products.

Read more to get more information about our featured available products.

All products listed are available in stock **




contact us

شركة سنتافي تكنولوجي – العنوان : 54 ش المنتزه – هليوبوليس – مصر الجديدة

تليفون : 26370092 فاكس:  26370093  المبيعات:    01070747733 المبيعات  :  01127772180 المبيعات : 01070747731

Email :   sales@sentafe.com

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